No começo, era Bill Haley. Era rock ou boogie-woogie? Bem, alguns amigos meus, ilustres compositores, garantem que o rock nunca existiu, é apenas uma denominação comercial de outros ritmos. De qualquer maneira, Rock Around The Clock, que sugeria 24 horas de amor (quando são 4 horas, você pede mais) batiza o rock and roll e vende mais do que banana. Calcula-se que esta música vendeu mais de um bilhão de cópias porque está em todas as coletâneas. Willian John Clifton já tinha lançado o 78 rotações Crazy Man Crazy em 1952 e já tinha aquele pega-rapaz na testa, que virou marca registrada. A explosão do Rock Around The Clock viria no ano seguinte e acabou nas telas (Blackboard Jungle). A garotada viu uma grande oportunidade de quebrar os cinemas dançando nas poltronas. No Brasil, o filme passava com as luzes acesas, debaixo de assovios. Bill morreu em 1981, mas os Cometas ainda riscam os céus por aí.
In the beginning, there was Bill Haley. Was it rock or boogie-woogie? Well, according to some friends, renowned composers, rock and roll never existed, it’s just a commercial denomination of other rhythms. Anyway, Rock Around The Clock, suggesting 24 hours of continuous love (when the clock strikes four, you yell for more) baptizes the gender rock and roll and sells more than bananas. People estimates this song sold not less than a billion copies because it’s in every “best hits” albums. Willian John Clifton had already launched the 78 rpm Crazy Man Crazy in 1952 and already had that comma in his front that became his trademark. Rock Around The Clock would explode next year and ended up on the screens (Blackboard Jungle). Kids found here a great opportunity to wreck movie houses dancing on the seats. In Brasil, cinema owners would only show the pictures with lights on, under an avalanche of whistles. Bill died in 1981, but the Comets are still in the skies somewhere.
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