As “Rainhas do Harlem” se juntaram em 1955 para chegar ao número um da parade de sucessos com Mr Lee. Elas se apresentavam no legendário Apollo Theater, recentemente restaurado, onde tivemos a oportunidade de assistir ao musical Harlem Story. Vencer no Apollo não era fácil! O público exigente vaiava e atirava de tudo nos cantores e comediantes, que eram retirados às pressas. Como sempre acontece, depois de um sucesso, surge a tendência de repetir a fórmula, e as Bobbettes simplesmente atiraram no pobre Mister Lee. Confira!
The “Queens of Harlem” joined in 1955 to make the top of the hit parade with Mr Lee. They started performing at legendary Apollo Theater, recently restored, where we had the chance to see the excellent musical Harlem Story. To win at the Apollo was no easy task! The demanding audience booed and threw what had in hands on singers or comedians, which were taken off stage quickly. As always, after a bull’s eye, rises the temptation to repeat the formula, so the Bobbettes simply shot poor Mister Lee. Check!
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