Estes irmãos de Kentucky vieram para o mundo do rock com uma sólida base country, cantando em terças, como fazem as duplas de hoje em dia. Com tais vozes tão agradáveis e com um repertório tão agradável, os Everly emplacariam nada menos de 26 músicas no hit parade, destacando-se All I Have To Do Is Dream, Lucille, Crying In The Rain, Wake Up Little Susie, Cathy’s Clown, Nashville, I Kissed You entre tantas outras. Depois de breve separação, eles voltaram à toda nos anos 90. Sorte nossa.
These brothers from Kentucky debuted in the kingdom of rock with a solid country background, singing in tierces, as they do nowadays. With so pleasant voices and a popular repertoire, the Everlys would put not less than 26 songs in the hit parade, highlighting All I Have To Do Is Dream, Lucille, Crying In The Rain, Wake Up Little Susie, Cathy’s Clown, Nashville, I Kissed You among many others. They dissolved the duo but this did not last, and they came back with all the works in 90. Lucky are we.
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