Uma das qualidades dos conjuntos de rock voltados para as baladas é que de vez em quando gravavam algum standard, dando roupagem completamente nova. É o caso dos Flamingos e I Only Have Eyes For You, com o curioso shwop-rop servindo de eco. Os Flamingos parecem pertencer mesmo à ordem das aves, pois já tinham se chamado Andorinhas (The Swallows) e foram contratados pelo selo Papagaio (Parrot) em 1953. Mas eles mudaram o jogo para as Damas (Checkers) em 1955. Talvez a carreira destes emplumados e talentosos Flamingos não tivesse voado tão alto se não fosse terem aparecido num filme de Alan Freed com o criativo título de Rock, Rock, Rock. Mas se Sylvester Stallone pode fazer sete Rockys, três rocks é até modesto.
One of the best qualities of the rock groups de rock singing ballads is now and then they would cover a great standard, with a brand new harmony. This is the case of The Flamingos and I Only Have Eyes For You, with that curious shwop-rop echoing in the back. It seems The Flamingos were meant to belong to the kingdom of the birds, because they had been called The Swallows and would soon be hired by Parrot Records in 1953. But they changed the game when they went to Checkers in 1955. Maybe the career of these talented feathered Flamingos wouldn’t fly so high if they hadn’t appeared in Alan Freed’s smash hit with the creative title of Rock, Rock, Rock. But, as long as Sylvester Stallone can do seven Rockys, three rocks is a modest number.
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Para ouvir a versão maravilhosa de Frank Sinatra com direito a flamingos de verdade – To listen to this wonderful version by Frank Sinatra, performing real flamingos, click here
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