Rob Leonard, Scott Powell, Johnny Contardo, Frederick Greene, Richard Joffe, Don York, Chris Donald, Elliot Cahn, Henry Gross, Bruce Clarke, John Marcellino, Scott Simon, John Bauman e Leonard Baker, estes são o Sha-Na-Na, que aliam o rock com muito humor. Nós os vimos fazendo piruetas musicais em Woodstock, mas foi em Grease que eles tiveram a grande chance. Eles têm algumas músicas compostas especialmente, mas o que todos esperamos são as versões bem humoradas, como este At The Hop que postamos aqui.
Rob Leonard, Scott Powell, Johnny Contardo, Frederick Greene, Richard Joffe, Don York, Chris Donald, Elliot Cahn, Henry Gross, Bruce Clarke, John Marcellino, Scott Simon, John Bauman and Leonard Baker, these are the Sha-Na-Na, which married rock and lots of humor. We’ve seen them running back and forth in Woodstock, but it was in Grease that they had their great chance. They do have some especially composed songs, but what we expect is the well humored versions, like this At The Hop we are posting here.
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