Tá legal, vamos falar sério agora. Não é sempre que talentos como Eric Clapton, Jack Bruce e Ginger Baker se juntam. I Feel Fine, White Room, Crossroads, Badge e a canção posta aqui, Sunshine Of Your Love ficaram como testemunhas deste grande momento do rock. As pessoas que ouviram Eric Clapton o consideram Deus. Eu acho um exagero, mas sei que o Criador ficou muito satisfeito com a comparação.
All right, let’s talk seriously now. It’s not frequent talents like Eric Clapton, Jack Bruce and Ginger Baker join. I Feel Fine, White Room, Crossroads, Badge and the song posted here, Sunshine Of Your Love stood as witnesses of this great moment in the History of rock. People who knew Eric Clapton consider him God. I think this is an exaggeration, but know the Lord was very pleased with the comparison.
Para ver – To watch, click here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cqh54rSzheg
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