
quarta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2011


O conjunto mais eclético do rock certamente será o britânico King Crimson, com forte acento na música clássica e na poesia psicodélica. Eles sofreram influência do melhor dos Beatles e levaram a experiência adiante, desde 1969. Tudo começou com os irmãos Michael Giles, Peter Giles; e Robert Fripp, mas logo juntaram-se a eles Ian McDonald e Judy Dyble. Peter Sinfield entrou com a parte que haveria de caracterizar o grupo: as letras e a arte dos álbuns. Outra influência importante veio dos Moody Blues, que usavam a orquestra com eficiência; quer dizer, eles se cercaram de tudo o que tinha dado certo. E acertaram também. Não importa aqui se subiram nas paradas de sucesso; o que eles faziam era arte pura, independente do mundo consumista. In The Court Of The Crimson King se refere ao demônio e sua corte.

The most eclectic rock group is certainly the British King Crimson, with a strong accent in classical music and psychedelic poetry. They suffered the influence of the best Beatles but took their experience forward, since 1969. It all began with brothers Michael Giles, Peter Giles; and Robert Fripp, but soon joined Ian McDonald and Judy Dyble. Peter Sinfield came in with the part that would be the characteristic of the group: lyrics and the art in the albums. Another important influence came through the Moody Blues, which knew how to use efficiently the orchestra; in short, they used everything that worked. And hit the spot. It doesn’t matter much how high they stepped in the Billboard; they were doing bona fide art, independent to the consumer goods society. In The Court Of The Crimson King refers to the devil and his court.

Para ver – To watch, click here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ty5iRL8eTsg&feature=related

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