Baseado num livro (Silmarillion) do genial Tolkien, nasceu em 1979 este interessante grupo, que como os outros se desfez, permanecendo apenas Steve Rothery. Há um pouco do Fish, do Yes, do Genesis e de outras bandas progressivas no trabalho do Marillion. No entanto, o que me prendeu a atenção foi a menção a Peter Pan (Barrie), o eterno espírito da juventude. Então, postamos Neverland e uma bela montagem do belíssimo Finding Neverland, com meu ator favorito, Johnny Depp.
Based on a book (Silmarillion) by Tolkien-the-genius, in 1979 this interesting group was formed, and like many others broke up, only remaining Steve Rothery. A little bit of Fish, of Yes, of Genesis and many other progressive bands in Marillion. However, what caught my attention was the mention of Peter Pan (Barrie), the eternal spirit of youth. So, I posted Neverland and a nice montage of the extra-beautiful Finding Neverland, starring my favorite actor of all times, Johnny Depp.
Para ver – To watch, click here:
E o fantástico Finding Neverland – Enjoy this!
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