
segunda-feira, 14 de março de 2011


Nascido em 1984, o Simply Red era formado por Mick Hucknall, Fritz McIntire, Tony Bowers, Chris Joyce e Dave Fryman, logo substituído por Sylvian Richardson. Dois anos depois, eles já estavam chegando ao topo com Holding Back The Years. Por aqui, foi o Rock In Rio que nos apresentou aquele cantor de cabelos vermelhos, o inspirador do nome da banda. You Don’t Know Me By Now veio resgatar as canções românticas, esquecidas nos anos 80.

Born back in 1984, Simply Red was formed by Mick Hucknall, Fritz McIntire, Tony Bowers, Chris Joyce and Dave Fryman, soon substituted by Sylvian Richardson. Two years later, they would be hitting the top with Holding Back The Years. In Brazil, Rock In Rio Festival introduced us to that small red-haired singer, which inspired the name of the band. You Don’t Know Me By Now came to rescue the forgotten romantic songs of the 80’s.

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