O grupo se insere no rótulo de goma de mascar pop, o que já nos deixa meio desconfiados. Mas logo em 1968 estoura (sem piada) com Simon Says, e logo com uma série de chicletes, 1, 2, 3 Red Light, Indian Giver, May I Take A Giant Step, Special Delivery, The Train, When We Get Married e Reflections From The Looking Glass; todos devidamente esquecidos. O que mais marcou na carreira do 1910 Fruitgum Company foi a companhia de grandes nomes em turnê, como os Beach Boys, Lou Christie e Sly and Family Stone. Esta turma de New Jersey (não são os 4 Seasons!) era primitivamente formada Frank Jeckell, Floyd Marcus, Pat Karwan, Steve Mortkowitz, e Mark Gutkowski.
This group tags itself as chewing gum pop, what is already intriguing. But early in 1968 it pops (no joke) with Simon Says, and a series of gums: 1, 2, 3 Red Light, Indian Giver, May I Take A Giant Step, Special Delivery, The Train, When We Get Married and Reflections From The Looking Glass; all properly forgotrten. What is really mysterious in 1910 Fruitgum Company’s career was the company of great names on tour, as the Beach Boys, Lou Christie or Sly and Family Stone. These New Jersey boys (not the 4 Seasons!) were primarily formed by Frank Jeckell, Floyd Marcus, Pat Karwan, Steve Mortkowitz, and Mark Gutkowski.
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