
sábado, 23 de abril de 2011


O princípio dos anos 60 marcou uma procura febril de um ritmo que pudesse desbancar o rock. Uma fila de danças diferentes se sucedia, o twist, o hully-gully, o mashed potatoes, o fly, o surf, o bird, o cha-cha-cha e até uma versão esquisitona da bossa nova. Os Olympics, formados em 1957 por Eddie Lewis, Walter Ward, Charles Fizer, Walter Hammond e Melvin King, fizeram logo sucesso com Western Movies, que começava com um tiroteio. Mas logo veio a mania de danças esquisitas, e os Olympics ganharam medalhas de ouro com os singles Hully-Gully e Baby, Do The Philly Dog.

The beginning of the 60’s was branded by a crazy search for a rhythm that could surpass the rock, very difficult to dance. A line would try its luck, the twist, the hully-gully, the mashed potatoes, the fly, the surf, the bird, the cha-cha-cha and even the weirdest version of bossa nova. The Olympics, joined in 1957 by Eddie Lewis, Walter Ward, Charles Fizer, Walter Hammond and Melvin King, would soon hit the spot with Western Movies, mixing rock and shoot down. But then came the craze of new dances, and Olympics won gold medals with the singles Hully-Gully and Baby, Do The Philly Dog.

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