Rhythm and Blues é uma das raízes do rock and roll e era considerada coisa de “preto”, apenas apreciada por brancos de bom gosto. The Clovers se juntaram em 1946 originalmente com Harold Lucas, Billy Shelton, Thomas Woods e John Bailey. A primeira grande chance só surgiu em 1951 no teatro Apollo, ainda como The Four Clovers. Como eu tive a oportunidade de presenciar, o público do Apollo é muito seletivo, e só aceita artistas de talento (em 2002 tive a sorte de assistir ao Harlem Story). Seu grande sucesso foi Devil or Angel, mas nós postamos Little Mama. Divirta-se!
Rhythm and Blues is one of the roots of rock and roll and was considered “black” stuff, only enjoyed by some white experts. The Clovers was formed back in 1946 originally by Harold Lucas, Billy Shelton, Thomas Woods and John Bailey. Their chance came only in 1951 at the Apollo, as The Four Clovers. As I could witness, Apollo’s audience is very selective, and just hail talented artists (in 2002 I had the chance to see Harlem Story). Their big hit was Devil or Angel, but we have here Little Mama. Enjoy!
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