
quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2011


Peter Noone, Karl Green, Keith Hopwood, Derek Leckenby e Barry Whitwam, senhoras e senhores com mais de 60 anos, aqui estão os eremitas do Herman! Mais um grupo para invadir a praia dos americanos. É difícil imaginar como restou alguma coisa para os americanos. Talvez por isto eles lembravam que hoje não tem leitinho pras crianças. Além de emplacar alguns sucessos como o chatíssimo I’m Henry the 8th I Am e o super-regravado There’s a Kind of Hush, eles estrelaram alguns filmes que a humanidade esqueceu: Pop Gear, When The Boys Meet The Girls, Hold On! e Mrs Brown You’ve Got a Lovely Daughter. Peter Noone ainda se apresenta cantando seus velhos sucessos.
Peter Noone, Karl Green, Keith Hopwood, Derek Leckenby and Barry Whitwam, ladies and gentlemen older than 60, I give you the hermits of Herman! Oh no, another group to invade the American economy. It’s hard to imagine there was anything left in the United States. Thanks Heavens they were honest enough to admit there was no Milk today to feed the kids. Beyond hitting the pot with songs like the ultra-boring I’m Henry the 8th I Am and the multi-covered There’s a Kind of Hush, they starred some films that humanity easily forgot: Pop Gear, When The Boys Meet The Girls, Hold On! and Mrs Brown You’ve Got a Lovely Daughter. Peter Noone still sings, remembering his many hits.
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